Vanlove Fest 2023: Thank You for an Amazing Celebration of Vanlife!

WOW, what an incredible weekend it was at Vanlove Fest 2023! We want to express our deepest gratitude and say a massive THANK YOU to everyone who joined us for the ultimate celebration of vanlife at Elvington Airfield. You guys were absolutely amazing, and together we created memories that will last a lifetime.

We want to extend a special THANK YOU to all the participants of the unforgettable van convoy. The procession of vans parading through the airfield was a sight to behold. Horns honked, windows rolled down, and smiles were exchanged as we showcased the true essence of vanlife unity and camaraderie.

To our incredible performers, THANK YOU for mesmerising us with your talent and creating an electric atmosphere on the main stage. You all kept us dancing, singing, and laughing throughout the weekend.

From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU for making Vanlove Fest 2023 an extraordinary event. The positive energy, genuine connections, and sense of belonging that filled the airfield were simply incredible. Your smiles, laughter, and shared stories fueled our passion for creating a festival that celebrates the vanlife lifestyle and brings people together.

Stay tuned for 2024 dates, see you on the runway :-)


Vanlife meets Oktoberfest at our very first... VANTOBER FEST!
